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On the Road with Rhonda | October 2024

Updated: Jan 2


On October 16, 2024, I had the pleasure of attending a campaign event at City Dock, Downtown for Democratic Candidate-Elect, U.S. Senate, from Maryland, Angela Alsobrooks, and U.S. Senator from Maryland, Chris VanHollen, with other City and State elected officials, regarding climate change, flooding of businesses, etc.


Here is a list of activities I have participated in, meetings I have attended, and events I have supported in the month of October 2024:

  • Meetings (again) with the Mayor’s Office’s Staff

  • Participated (again, as a Resource Vendor) in the “2nd Annual Mayor’s Office’s Summer Pop-Up Resource Fairs” (15 total, Summer 2024)

  • Participated in “The Old Fourth Ward Day”, People’s Park

  • Participated in the Maryland Reentry and Resource Center’s “Weeding and Planting”, with partners including the Watershed Stewards Academy and United Way, at the American Legion (Guest Speaker)

"Maryland Reentry and Resource Center's Weeding and Planting" Event on October 7, 2024

Executive Director Vanessa Bright, with participants from Maryland Reentry, the American Legion Post #141, Heritage Baptist Church, Watershed Stewards Academy, United Way, Beryl Downs Chief of Staff from State Delegate Shaneka Henson's Office, at the American Legion (and then onto the Heritage Baptist Church). Rhonda was asked to give remarks, which were titled "It's You That I Need--It's You That We Need".

  • Meeting with the Annapolis Police Department, City Staff, and 2 residents regarding First Amendment issues

  • Participated in the “2024 City-wide Preparedness Exercise”, Pip Moyer Recreation Center and Stanton Community Center (Guest Speaker)

  • Attended and participated in the Caucus of African American Leaders’ monthly meeting, and volunteered to provide the Meal for the attendees, and the meeting’s focus was on LGBTQ+ issues

  • Attended the City Council’s Transportation Standing Committee meeting, as a Member

  • Participated (again) in Leadership Anne Arundel’s semi-annual “Government Day” for their Flagship Class (Guest Panelist with other elected City, County, and State officials)

  • Participated in the first “Public South Southwood Area Stormwater Management Community Meeting” with City Staff and a private contractor as well as approximately 35 community residents/members including Ms. Debbie Odum, Ward 3 Community Liaison

  • Attended a virtual “Annapolis/City Class and Comp Study” Meeting with City Alderwoman and City Staff

  • Attended the National “Faith-In-Blue” Ecumenical Service, First Baptist Church

  • Participated in the National “Faith-In-Blue” City-wide Moment of Silence in honor of our Fallen First Responders, Annapolis Fire Department, Eastport Station

National FAITH-IN-BLUE Weekend

(L to R) Recognizing a Moment of Silence throughout the City, observed in honor of fallen first responders, at the Eastport Fire Station | Rhonda with several members of our Annapolis Fire Department at People's Park, Calvert Street

  • Participated in the National “Faith-In-Blue” City-wide Community Outreach Event, People’s Park

  • Attended 2 City Council meetings

  • Attended a “Climate Change and Businesses Flooding Walk-Through” with local, County, and State elected officials, as well as U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen, and U.S. Democratic Senator-Elect Angela Alsobrooks, Downtown Annapolis

  • On-site Meeting, Vincent Street and Parole Street Sidewalks Installation with City, County, and Contractor representatives

  • Attended a Special City Council meeting

  • Meeting with City Department of Public Works to discuss possible stormwater and drainage projects in Ward 3

  • Visited various “Maryland 250” City events, Downtown Annapolis

  • Attended an “Annapolis Area Imagination Library, an affiliate of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library” Reading event

  • Attended the monthly Audit Committee Meeting (Council and Resident members)

  • Attended the Retirement Luncheon for a long-time Annapolis Police Department Professional/Civilian Staff Member Meeting (as requested by AACPS) with 2 Leadership Staff Members of the Anne Arundel

    County Public Schools (AACPS), Superintendent’s Office, regarding their Legislative Priorities for the upcoming Maryland General Assembly Session, and how AACPS can assist the City and vice versa

  • Participated in the Mayor’s Office’s “Community Engagement Listening Session”, including substance use awareness, etc., Pip Moyer Recreation Center

  • Attended a Wake for a resident

  • Attended “Cocktails for a Cause”, a Seeds4Success event, USNA Stadium

    Meeting with City Planning and Zoning regarding a Ward 3 project and a possible City-wide project

  • Attended a Prayer Breakfast hosted by State Delegate Shaneka Henson, Heritage Baptist Church

Delegate Shaneka Henson's Prayer Breakfast

 State Delegate Shaneka Henson's Prayer Breakfast at Heritage Baptist Church on October 26, 2024 | Rhonda with Classmates Thirise Brown and Sharon Stansbury

  • Attended the free City’s “Fall Harvest Festival”, Pip Moyer Recreation Center

  • Participated in the Annual (again) “Day of the Dead” Hispanic event, Maryland Hall (Gave Remarks)

  • As an annual Member of the Greater Annapolis Design District, took a group photo at the City Dock for the “Annapolis Home Magazine”

  • Attended an event for Seniors at the First Baptist Church with elected officials—City, County, State, and Congressional

  • Attended the “15th Birthday Party of the Pip Moyer Recreation Center”, at the PMRC

  • Meeting with the Annapolis Department of Transportation and Staff regarding current, upcoming, and possible projects

  • Meeting with 3 residents of the Fairfax Road Community Association leadership regarding a public safety/environmental issue

  • As initiated 3 years ago by me, participated (again) in the Semi-Annual Meeting with the leadership from the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) and City Directors (Planning and Zoning, and now Public Works), and the Ward 2 Alderwoman, regarding mutual and overlapping areas of concern

  • Participated in the “Wilbourn Estates Community Trick or Treat” event

Bywater Community Truck or Treat

Rhonda enjoying the "Halloween Truck or Treat" event at the Bywater community, with 4 long-time friends.

  • Participated in the “Bywater Community Truck or Treat” events and "Hispanic Heritage Festival”, City’s Pip Moyer Recreation Center

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